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Henry Fensome M.Ost
Nov 25, 20193 min read
Lowering your Handicap - The Osteopathic Way
Can an Osteopath really lower my Handicap? YES!!! The golf swing is a highly complex movement pattern, which requires coordination of all...
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Henry Fensome
Sep 12, 20192 min read
What a load of old Squat!! How you should squat, even if you have back or knee pain.
A common occurrence in the clinic is people coming in with knee or back pain and saying "my GP told me I shouldn't squat" or "I can't...
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Henry Fensome M.Ost
May 4, 20193 min read
Runner's Knee, Whats all the pain about?
What is it? Runners knee, more scientifically known as patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), is a condition which affects the cartilage on...
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