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Henry Fensome
Feb 28, 20212 min read
Jaw Pain And Osteopathy
The Temporomandibular Joint (it’s a mouthful) or TMJ is frequently the cause of jaw pain. This joint is located in the skull and helps...
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Henry Fensome M.Ost
Nov 25, 20193 min read
Lowering your Handicap - The Osteopathic Way
Can an Osteopath really lower my Handicap? YES!!! The golf swing is a highly complex movement pattern, which requires coordination of all...
569 views2 comments

Henry Fensome
Oct 25, 20194 min read
How to look after your body whilst working at your desk....
Do your shoulders, neck or back ever hurt after a day in the office? People in the UK took 30 million + days off work last year because...
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Henry Fensome
Sep 18, 20193 min read
"The Deep Freeze". Understanding the bodies frost, that is the "Frozen Shoulder"
What is the enigma that is frozen shoulder? Frozen shoulder also known as 'Adhesive Capsulitis' is a spontaneous condition of the...
665 views0 comments

Henry Fensome
Sep 12, 20192 min read
What a load of old Squat!! How you should squat, even if you have back or knee pain.
A common occurrence in the clinic is people coming in with knee or back pain and saying "my GP told me I shouldn't squat" or "I can't...
426 views0 comments

Henry Fensome M.Ost
Aug 29, 20193 min read
Back to School with Osteopathy
Get your kids ready to go back to school with some helpful tips on how to protect them from back pain.
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Henry Fensome
Aug 7, 20194 min read
Back Pain From My Child
In clinic I have seen an increased number of new (and returning) parents with back pain, this is no coincidence as it is common for mums...
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Henry Fensome
Jul 30, 20195 min read
A right pain in the flip flop!!... Plantar Fasciitis: The 10 Best Exercises for Relief.
It's that time of year where (if we are lucky enough) we spend most of our time in flip flops or enjoy walking on the beach. But...
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Henry Fensome
Jul 25, 20195 min read
Is My Training Causing Me Injury
As an Osteopath I treat people with training injuries on a daily basis. I have a background in sports & exercise. I have treated...
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Henry Fensome
Jun 20, 20193 min read
Cupping Therapy... The Trending Holistic Therapy
Superstars such as Michael Phelps, Gwyneth Paltrow, Chris Martin and Jennifer Anniston have all been pictured sporting suction marks from...
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Henry Fensome
Jun 6, 20194 min read
Lower Back Pain and Disc Bulges - The 8 Best Exercises
A disk bulge or herniated disc occurs when some of the soft jelly in the centre of the disc slips out past the tough exterior. Up to 80%...
764,775 views22 comments

Henry Fensome M.Ost
May 4, 20193 min read
Runner's Knee, Whats all the pain about?
What is it? Runners knee, more scientifically known as patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), is a condition which affects the cartilage on...
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Henry Fensome
Apr 22, 20182 min read
Exam Stress!!! How can Osteopathy help you?
Exam Stress!!! How can Osteopathy Help you? When we hear the word stress we think about daily adult stress, as adults we know how we can...
85 views5 comments

Henry Fensome
Feb 26, 20183 min read
Kinesiology Tape? ...... Does it work? Is it just for Sports?
As an Osteopath I see a wide range of people from the everyday Jo to the Elite athletes. Osteopathy is all about treating the person and...
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Henry Fensome
Jan 26, 20182 min read
What is a Repetitive Strain Injury? How can I recover from it?
A common type of injury keeps cropping up in clinic recently, are repetitive strain injuries, also known as RSI. Repetitive strain...
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Henry Fensome
Jan 19, 20184 min read
Text Neck? ..... You Must Be Joking!
I was listening to the radio in the car on my way home from work this week and heard the presenter talking about neck and back problems...
423 views0 comments

Henry Fensome
Jan 16, 20185 min read
Is My Training Causing Me Injury
As an Osteopath I treat people with training injuries on a daily basis. I have a background in sports & exercise. I have treated...
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Henry Fensome
Jan 10, 20184 min read
My Back Hurts...What Could It Be? And What Can I Do To Help It?
Back pain is one thing that everyone associates with Osteopathy, and in most cases everybody has had a bit of back pain in their life...
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Henry Fensome
Jan 3, 20182 min read
What is the Rotator Cuff? And Why Does It Hurt?
A common site for injury, I have had number of patients recently present to me with symptoms in the shoulder and the arm. These symptoms...
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Henry Fensome
Dec 28, 20173 min read
Why Does My Hip Make A Clicking Noise? Is It Normal?
Have you ever wondered why you hip maybe clicking? Is it normal? I’ve been asked this question a number of times recently so I thought I...
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